Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Never say Never

Dear Friend,

Have you ever said that you would NEVER do something?

Read the article entitled Never say Never and find out what I said never to.

In this article I share a very intimate pain that cut so deep I thought I would lose my mind.

Have you ever actually felt your heart hurt? I have and it was a pain that only God could mend.

My prayer is that this article helps someone.

New Issue is posted !!!

Check out A Man's Point of View -- Rick Sumler shares with us why the men in our lives are so quiet

Make sure to read how Elaine Sloan beat cancer with a Vegan Diet.

Stephanie Walker is back -- This time she shares how she had to allow the Lord to heal her the way he wanted and not how she wanted.

Enjoy our new issue



And the winner is...

Anna Campbell is our Friendz Network member of the month and the spotlight is on her in our "You Go Girl "section. I am honored to feature Anna. Read all about her.

Anna is the President and Founder for Women Business Owners. She has been an entrepreneur for many years now and she believes in finding our true purpose and happiness in life.

Read more about Anna here.

I Beat Breast Cancer With a Vegan Diet - You Can Too!

As a breast cancer survivor, I'm particularly interested in studies showing the connection between breast cancer and diet. One recent study conducted by researchers at the Fox Chase Cancer Center, Harvard University, Shanghai Cancer Institute, and Vanderbilt University confirmed what a number of previous studies have shown: Women who eat meat are more likely to develop breast cancer than women who don't eat meat.

Read more here.

Let Me Heal You The Way I Want To!


Read more here.

Friendz Network News

Saturday, December 1st - Shop, Drop...Network (TCE Potomac Mills Trip & DC networking) Information submitted by Francina R. Harrison, MSW, "The Career Engineer" (friendz network member).


Saturday, December 8th - Meet Gerry McCants, (Black Expo & The Black Pages Publisher) Information submitted by Francina R. Harrison, MSW, "The Career Engineer"(Friendz Network Member)

"Why Are Men Silent In Relationships?"

Some reasons include:

men are not comfortable with vocal communication
paranoid that wife/girlfriend will expose weakness
previous relationship left them emotionally scarred

Finish the article here.

Book Review - How Strong Women Pray

How Strong Women Pray by Bonnie St. John takes us into the prayer habits of some of the world's most influential women. Maya Angelou, Susan Taylor, Kathie Lee Gifford and Barbara Bush are some of the women featured in this book

Read entire review here.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Alone on Thanksgiving

There are millions of people that will be alone this Thanksgiving.

Dear Friend,

Alone on Thanksgiving

In thinking about what card I should send you I was torn. I asked myself, " Do I send the same Happy Thanksgiving greeting that will fill your inbox or will I be different?"

I wanted this to be a bit more personal.

As we sit around the table enjoying family and friends company let's not forget the person that has no one and no where to go this Thanksgiving. There are people you sit next to in church and co workers you see each day that will be alone. They smile and very politely accept your "Happy Thanksgiving", but inside they are thinking,

"What's happy about it? My husband left me, my kids are acting crazy and I'm barely making ends meet."

For some, this is your first Thanksgiving without that "special somebody".I was there. When my husband and I separated, the holidays were the worst. I wanted to crawl under a rock. I had to quickly realize that I couldn't change the situation, so I mine as well make the most of it.

Remember: There will only be one Thanksgiving in 2007. Make the most of it. Decide to make beautiful,lasting positive memories. They will last a lifetime!

Call someone you haven't talked to in a while and play catch up.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine
Breathe Again Magazine Blog

PS. I'm thankful for you.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

Dear Friend,

Oh Happy Day!

Is your day going well?

If not, step back,take a break, gather your thoughts and start again.

I just love the fact that we have control over our own actions and our own feelings. You can't control how people around you act - but you can control how you REACT.

Did you know that some people are assigned to you? They are in your life just to push your buttons. They push and wait... push and wait...And once they get the reaction they were waiting for (because we all fall short) They say ,"See, I told you she/he wasn't a Christian. I told you they weren't saved." You know the kind.

This time be equipped. Be prepared. Next time they push your buttons or work on your nerves do the total opposite of what they expect.

Just smile. Better yet. Laugh!

Just laugh!

Make the most of the rest of your day.



Inside Newsletter

Vickie Winans Contest Earns $10,000 for 21 Year Old Songwriter
Friendz Network News
Earn your Degree Online
Crossings Book Club


There will be a new children's movie out in December called 'The Golden Compass' starring Nicole Kidman. The movie has been described as 'atheism for kids' and is based on the first book of a trilogy entitled 'His Dark Materials'.

Read more here

Vickie Winans Contest Earns $10,000 for 21 Year Old Songwriter

Twenty-one year old Brandon Colar got the shock of his life this past week when six Time Grammy nominated gospel music legend Vickie Winans came to his job at Panera Bread and presented him with a $10,000 check.

Read more here

Friendz Network News

The Hampton Roads Teen Summit

This event is designed for our teens to have the opportunity to participate in an open forum discussing their issues and getting some answers.

December 15, 2007 at 12:00pm

Eternal Life Worship Center
5665 East Virgina Beach Blvd
Norfolk VA

For more information, contact Paula B. at 757-544-5052

Earn your Degree Online

Have you thought about going back to school? What about a new career? Change your financial future. Enroll in online classes today.

Leading directory of online schools and distance learning programs

Crossings Book Club

Crossings Book Club

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