"He Didn't Take the Trash Out"
Dear Friend,
A few months ago I was honored to be able to visit the Holocaust Museum in DC. It was an unexplainable experience.
I'm sure you are wondering what that has to do with someone not taking the trash out. I listen to people complain about the dumbest things, things that really don't matter compared to what others have had to endure or witness. Walking around the different exhibits and watching the videos of what happened in those concentration camps tore me up; I couldn't stop crying. To see the naked women (they were given no clothes) holding babies awaiting their turn to be executed made me nauseus.
Senseless killings of human beings...so much hate. Young, old, short and fat - the killers didn't discriminate. Did you know they even took all mentally ill people and executed them, just because they were "different"? That was called genocide.
Please take a moment or, better yet, make a moment and visit the Holocaust Museum website: www.ushmm.org
We all should broaden our understanding. Learn about another culture. We live in a world with a variety of races, religions, colors and cultures. The more we know, the more we grow.
I learned so much that day in Holocaust Museum. I plan on taking a day trip with my 10 year old to the museum very soon.
Do me a favor. Please be thankful and content in whatever state you find yourself. I'm not saying be satisfied; just complain a bit less. The trash will get to where it needs to be with gentle reminders. It's really not that serious.
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Friendz Network News

You Go Ms. Jan! Rejoice with Jan!
Welcome New Friendz Network Members
Cynthia Tyler with The Book Group Network
Paulette Braithwaite with Simply Unique
Dr Sylvia Christian with Woman 2 Woman Coaching
Sharvette Mitchell with Mitchell Productions
Dr Yvonne Rivers with Phoebe Women Network
Linda Pringle-Evans with Journey to Wholeness
Yoga on the Beach
WHEN: Saturday, July 19, 2008
TIME: 7:30 pm
WHERE: Phoebe Beach House
1240 W Oceanview Ave
Norfolk VA 23503
For more information, please click here.
News You Can Use

Try another $5.
The increase, which the General Assembly approved this year in Senate Bill 116, is part of an effort to shift many routine DMV customer services to the phone or Internet.
Click here for all the details.
Sistah's Embracing the Elevation

2nd Annual African American Family Reunion

WHERE: Hampton Rds Convention Center
WHEN: Saturday, July 26, 2008
TIME: 9 am - 4 pm
For more information click here
How Can I Help?

It's A Car Wash!!!
WHEN: Saturday, July 12, 2008
WHERE: 868 North Newtown Rd
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
TIME: 10 am - 2 pm
For more info on the NAACP Youth Council
email vbnaacpyouth@gmail.com
Help support these youth on the move and bring your car. Tell a Friend!
Pick of the week

Friendz Network Member Sharvette Mitchell interviews Tamela Mann & our very own Friendz network member Rebekah Pierce, Editor In Chief of Average Girl Magazine & author of "Sex, Lies & Shoeboxes".
Listen to the interview here.
Nicole on the move!
July 26 - Hampton 2nd Annual Celebration of the African American Family
Save The Date!
July 19 - Yoga on the Beach
July 26 - Hampton African American Family Reunion
Aug 29-30 - Sistah's Embracing the Elevation
Nov 21-23 - Weekend to Remember
Summer Clearance Special

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