You Are Invited
Dear Friend,
Have you asked yourself these questions?
"Who am I?"
"What do others think of me?"
"What am I supposed to be doing?"
"Am I wasting my time?"
Join Min. Nicole Cleveland & Elder Lisa Bynum as they tackle those questions on Saturday June 28th at the Springhill Suites Marriott in Norfolk, Virginia.
As women ,we go through so much and still are able to take care of our family, homes, work, communities and churches. We carry that "heavy" load without anyone knowing how "heavy" the load really is.....
We grin and smile but inside we are crying...slowing dying...screaming for help
Join us for a morning of " transparency". Tackling issues of abandonment, molestation, physical, mental & sexual abuse...
Can we be real? No judging allowed!
For more information visit or call 757-576- 2279.
Hope to see you there!
Your Wife and Kids Miss You

What happened?
The doctor diagnosed you with a heart condition. He said you had five more years. You were gone in just 12 months.
Click here to finish the story.
Love Letters

I don't even know how to begin expressing to you everything that you mean to me.
You are my best friend.
You truly are my best friend. At the end of the day, I look forward to sharing with you the little things that anyone else would find meaningless, but you listen to with such rapture, like it si the most important thing in the world. I love giggling with you over something someone says, or does. With one look, I know that you are thinking the same thing I am, without words ever having to be expressed.
Finish the letter here.
Books, Music, Movies and so much more...

Finish our book review here.
Sistah's Embracing the Elevation

Living Life to the Fullest Conference

Readers Comments

I love your magazine. Tawana's story was very uplifting. She is a tower of strength. She made me realize the little things we complain about are just stupid. Thanks for sharing her story.
- A Very Faithful Reader
Nicole on the move!

June 28 - Living Life to the Fullest Conference
July 26 - Hampton 2nd Annual Celebration of the African American Family
Save The Date!
June 28 - TCE Networking Event
June 28 - Living Life to the Fullest
July 6 - Dedicatory Service
July 26 - Hampton African American Family Reunion
Aug 29-30 - Sistah's Embracing the Elevation
Nov 21-23 - Weekend to Remember
Summer Clearance Special

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