Forgive but NEVER forget
Dear Friend,
It rubs me the wrong way when people say "Just forgive and forget". They use the words so carelessly, like it's an easy task.
Would they say that to the late Coretta Scott King? Just forgive and forget they shot and killed your husband? What about Harriet Tubman? If she were still here today would we say just forgive and forget what you went through? How could we forget, as a people what she did for us.
I could never forget what my husband and I have GROWN through. (you see I didn't say gone or went through) We should appreciate the trials. Lord knows I didn't appreciate them in the process. I didn't understand it. But now I know it was for a purpose.
The songwriter says
"How can I forget what you've done for me?"
"How can I forget how you set me free?"
"How can I forget how you brought me out?"
"How can I forget?"
"No, never"
The dictionary says to forget is; to cease or fail to remember
Personally, I think we should forgive but we must NEVER forget.
I know we will receive mixed emails regarding this, but that's why it's great to all be unique. We have the capability to have our very own opinion and this is just my opinion.
What do you think? Email me at
PS. TESTIFY - Leave a post in our brand new testimony forum.
Network News
Happy Birthday to our very own Felecia Cleveland.
Appreciation Service for Pastor Vicki Coward.
WHEN: Sunday, April 20, 2008
TIME: 5 pm
WHERE: Agape International Ministries Worldwide
8001 Staples Mill Road & Wistar
Richmond VA 23228
For more information, call (804) 266-3000.
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This week I have chosen to share our testimony forum with you.
We are so excited to share this forum with you, as my testimony is the reason we founded the magazine. Testimonies are so powerful and every week more churches are doing away with the testimony part of service.
There is power in your testimony. There is deliverance in your testimony. Someone's life could be changed by just hearing what you have overcome and how you made it through. So, please share your testimonies in this forum.
Never think your testimony doesn't matter. You never know what someone may be struggling with. Share often. Help others.
Remember: someone is waiting to hear your testimony.
If not you - then who?
If not now - then when?
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