The Wise Woman in Me

Proverbs 14:1 says, "The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands."
Are you the wise woman who is building her home with the knowledge and information gathered throughout 2007? Have you built your Crying Angel Network and used it to help you move through the valley? Or are you the foolish woman who has ignored sound advice and shut out the Network because you feel that God has not answered any of your prayers so why bother?
I learned in 2007 that the "Superwoman" attitude nearly destroyed not only my joy, but my home. I cannot do everything and be everything to all people. This was to be my year of completion and it was. I learned that I am a complete fool to try to do it all. I learned that giving it all completely to the Lord is a much wiser and safer thing to do because when I try to take over God's purpose for me, I completely mess it all up.
How many times have you sat in your car crying because you feel so stupid or alone? How many times have you said to yourself that you wish you could just disappear into the night? Well, you are not alone if you said yes to any of these questions. The fact of the matter is that we feel this way when we've tried and failed to take care of everything. Or, when we've tried to pursue a career or job that we only wanted because it paid well or offered benefits for our children, but it was not what we REALLY wanted to do. Stop settling! That's what you've had to learn the hard way this year, wasn't it?
I am saying to you that life is not easy; it’s not supposed to be. The wise woman accepts that and has mastered creating opportunities in the obstacles. That’s why when you see her walking down the street with her head held high and laughing at what appears to be nothing at all, you either want to be her or despise her because she has built her home; she has built her Network and she is working that network. She refuses to settle because wisdom has taught her well.
So, ladies, for 2008, take all that you have learned about yourself and life in 2007 and be the wise woman who builds her home. The devil is after us because if the woman is broken, then the home and all in it is destroyed. Don't let it happen! Don't pull down your home in 2008.
2008 is the year of WISDOM!
~Copyright © 2007 Rebekah L. Pierce. Mrs. Pierce is the Editor in Chief of Average Girl Magazine, a motivational and inspirational magazine for women in search of change, purpose and prosperity. She is also a playwright, former radio talk show host, motivational speaker, teacher, wife and mother. Visit for more information.
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