Alone on Thanksgiving

There are millions of people that will be alone this Thanksgiving.
Dear Friend,
Alone on Thanksgiving
In thinking about what card I should send you I was torn. I asked myself, " Do I send the same Happy Thanksgiving greeting that will fill your inbox or will I be different?"
I wanted this to be a bit more personal.
As we sit around the table enjoying family and friends company let's not forget the person that has no one and no where to go this Thanksgiving. There are people you sit next to in church and co workers you see each day that will be alone. They smile and very politely accept your "Happy Thanksgiving", but inside they are thinking,
"What's happy about it? My husband left me, my kids are acting crazy and I'm barely making ends meet."
For some, this is your first Thanksgiving without that "special somebody".I was there. When my husband and I separated, the holidays were the worst. I wanted to crawl under a rock. I had to quickly realize that I couldn't change the situation, so I mine as well make the most of it.
Remember: There will only be one Thanksgiving in 2007. Make the most of it. Decide to make beautiful,lasting positive memories. They will last a lifetime!
Call someone you haven't talked to in a while and play catch up.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine
Breathe Again Magazine Blog
PS. I'm thankful for you.
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