Participant in GED Graduation Ceremony Shot and Killed

I don’t want this to be a doom and gloom message, but I’d really like for you to hear my heart. In the past few weeks I’ve personally been affected by five deaths. These are people I’ve been connected to in one way or another.
We’re taught to celebrate death because that person is going on to be with Jesus, but there is a grief process. Ecclesiastes says there is a time for everything… a time to laugh and a time to cry.
When we’re around someone every day and then they vanish from our lives to never be seen again on this earth, it hurts. Your heart hurts; it’s heavy. We remember the good times and cherish all the wonderful memories - and we have the right to grieve. I understand we need to be strong, but please take the time to deal with your pain. It’s okay to cry.
This past weekend one of the students who participated in our First Annual “Breathe Again Magazine” GED Graduation Ceremony was shot and killed. She was only 17 years old. She was just a baby. My heart goes out to her family. Please pray for them.
Cherish each day God gives you. You don’t know if it will be your last. Make the most of it. Live your dream…start today!
Don’t waste another day. You can’t get it back.
My prayers go out to this family. May God provide them with a peace that surpasseth all understanding.
Thanks for sharing this story with us. I was at the graduation, and was Godly proud of ceremony. We are praying for the family. Know that her assignment was finished here on earth.
Crown of Life Ministries
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