After the Affair
Dear Friend,
After the Affair on BAM! The Radio Show
After reading my testimony most people ask the following questions:
How did you forgive him?
Why did you forgive him?
Are you scared he will do it again?
But the most obvious question.
Starting this month my husband & I will tackle those very questions, as well as take questions from readers. After The Affair will be a monthly segment on BAM! The Radio Show where Jerry will join me to discuss how we survived the affair and how we became friends again.
Topics include:
How did you deal with the baby from the affair? Was it hard?
How did you rebuild the trust?
How do you deal with the child support? Are you bitter?
Why Communication is so important?
Why do you tell all your business?
Each month we will tackle some very tough questions in a segment entitled After The Affair with Jerry & Nicole Cleveland...on BAM! The Radio Show.
Our premiere show is here.
You don't want to miss this. Share it with a friend.
Newsletter Sponsor

Friendz Network News

TCE Network Event
The July TCE Network meeting is an invitation only taping of TCE & Friends Presents...
"The Career, Life & Business Show" Talk Show
If you are a TCE TV 1000 Partner or TCE Network Member and want to be in our audience, contact to register for a seat.
For more information, go to
Yoga on the Beach
WHEN: Saturday, July 19, 2008
TIME: 7:30 pm
WHERE: Phoebe Beach House
1240 W Oceanview Ave
Norfolk VA 23503
For more information, please click here.
News You Can Use

You can get your own free credit report here.
If you have questions about the three credit reports you get, you'll need to contact them directly. Listed below are the three agencies.
Protect yourself today. Order your free credit report now!
Click here for all the details.
Sistah's Embracing the Elevation

2nd Annual African American Family Reunion

WHERE: Hampton Roads Convention Center
WHEN: Saturday, July 26, 2008
TIME: 9 am - 4 pm
For more information click here.
WBO July Expo

Welcome to our online WBO July Expo
Thursday, July 17 - Saturday July 19, 2008
Thursday & Friday 7:30am-6pm PST/10:30am- 9pm EST
Saturday 7:30am-2:30pm PST/10:30am-5:30pm EST
Registration for the July Expo is NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN!!
· THREE DAY event featuring both vendors and speakers.
· Opportunity to show off your products
· Offer presentations for services also
· Special pricing for Star & Premier Members Discounts for a combined vendor/sponsor package!*
Pick of the week

My kids favorite past time is to "have church".
My pick this week are my girls "havin church".
We all can learn something from this clip.
Hope you enjoy!
Click here to watch the clip.
Nicole on the move!

July 26 - Hampton 2nd Annual Celebration of the African American Family
Save The Date!
July 17-19 - WBO July Expo
July 19 - Yoga on the Beach
July 26 - Hampton African American Family Reunion
Aug 29-30 - Sistah's Embracing the Elevation
Nov 21-23 - Weekend to Remember
Summer Clearance Special

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