Saturday, August 25, 2007

August 25 newsletter

Dear Friend,

Hello there,

Welcome to week # 34

Last week our new issue was released. We have received great feedback on the stories of empowerment and hope.

We receive new subscribers to this newsletter on a weekly basis and we are ever so grateful. Last week we received 6 new subscribers. You would have thought it was 600 . You see, I am humbled and ever so grateful for the few, as well as the many. We are growing. We are reaching those that need to be reached. After the "ivy" newsletter came out a few weeks ago one subscriber wrote me and said.

"Just a note to tell you how much I truly enjoy and value each edition of Breathe Again Magazine. Your insight is always right on target, and this latest piece on Ivy... well, I really needed to hear it. Thank you for sharing you, with all of us readers!!! Just thank you so much!" - L.F

This is more precious than 6,000 or even 6 million subscribers (although that would be nice ) as our mission is to reach just one.

"Our mission is accomplished when we offer hope and a moment of encouragement, even if it's just to "one woman". - Breathe Again Magazine

And that is what we will continue to do.

If these newsletters or a specific story on the site touches or relates to you, please let us know. At this time we are paid on feedback. Your positive feedback is what continues to motivate and inspire us. We need to know that we are making a difference. Send your comments to

Stay Blessed,


News You Can Use

Did you know Peroxide can be used for cleaning ? Did you know it whitens teeth and clothes? Well neither did I. A reader shared this information with me so I am passing it on. (it's no fun to keep it to myself)

1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. It's supposed to get rid of canker sores, and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.

2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to keep them free of germs.

Visit our blog and see how some people are using peroxide.

A Breath of Fresh Air Promo

Do you need a break? How about A Breath of Fresh Air?

On October 12, 2007 Breathe Again Magazine presents A Breath of Fresh Air IV -- Back to School Get Away for Mom

Stay Tuned for more information

And the Winner is...

Tara Patterson is our Friendz Network member of the month and the spotlight is on her in our "You Go Girl "section. I am honored to feature Tara.

Read all about her here.

Your First Ministry

So now I'm asking, 11 years later, how could something so sweet, turn so sour? There were multiple things, however, in a nutshell, when everything is going good, it is not hard to love someone, but what about when he loses his job, you're paying the bills, he's staying out late at night...

Read her article here.

Follow Me! Say What, Jesus!

Stephanie shares how the most difficult task is to teach others to follow him as it requires sacrifice and a lot of change.

Read her article here.

What in the World

If you come across things that make you say. What in the World send them to and we will feature it in an upcoming newsletter along with your name.

Stay Blessed

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine

Friday, August 24, 2007

Did you know this about Peroxide???

It's funny, but today I went to my dentist and she confirmed this is true!

We received this via e-mail and wanted to share it with you.

I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plain little ole bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1.00 at any drug store. What does bleach cost?

My husband has been in the medical field for over 36 years, and most doctors don't tell you about peroxide. Have you ever smelled bleach in a doctor's office? NO!!! Why? Because it smells, and it is not healthy! Ask the nurses who work in the doctor's offices, and ask them if they use bleach at home. They are wiser and know better!

Did you also know bleach was invented in the late 40's? It's chlorine, folks! And it was used to kill our troops. Peroxide was invented during WWI in the 20's. It was used to save and help cleanse the needs of our troops and hospitals. Please think about this.

1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with the bottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I do it when I bathe.) No more canker sores, and your teeth will be whiter without expensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash.

2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to keep them free of germs.

3. Clean your counters and table tops with peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when you wipe, or spray it on the counters.

4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pour peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.

5. I had fungus on my feet for years until I sprayed a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.

6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five to ten minutes several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would not heal with any medicine but was healed by soaking in peroxide.

7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide and water and keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septic system like bleach or most other disinfectants will.

8. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your 50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold, plugged sinus. It will bubble and help to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes, and then blow your nose into a tissue.

9. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to a dentist right away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it for ten minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.

10. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair, spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through. You will not have the peroxide-burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, faddish, or dirty blonde. It also lightens gradually, so it's not a drastic change

11. Put half a bottle of peroxide in your bath to help rid boils fungus, or other skin infections.

12. You can also add a cup of peroxide instead of bleach to a load of whites in your laundry to whiten them. If there is blood on clothing pour it directly on the soiled spot. Let it sit for a minute, then rub it and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.

13. I use peroxide to clean my mirrors. There is no smearing, which is why I love it so much for this.

I could go on and on. It is a little brown bottle no home should be with out!

With prices of most necessities rising, I'm glad there's a way to save tons of money in such a simple, healthy manner!

This information really woke me up. I hope you gain something from it, too. I've known that with an infection, a bit of peroxide on that will fizz and help to cure the infection. I've also known that if you had a dog that's flea infested,a bit of peroxide in it's bath water will kill them immediately. But never thought of all the above uses. It is a very useful bottle to have in your home.

Pass it on!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

August 18 newsletter

Dear Friend,

Week # 33


I sure hope your week is going well.

We are pleased to announce that our new issue is ready! It's hot off the keyboard.

This month we are starting a section entitled "Push Up Your Career" with The Career Engineer- Francina Harrison. She has blessed our newsletter subscribers with her no-nonsense approach to finding the career that's right for you. Not a job but a Career. Read how she gives tips on writing a resume to one of our readers

Contributing Writer Kim Gibson gets intimate with our readers and shares her honest, candid testimony of what her first ministry is. We applaud you Kim for being transparent to help other readers that may be separated from their husband.

Stephanie Walker talks about how the most difficult thing she has encountered is teaching others to follow Jesus.

Enjoy the new issue and give us your feedback, we want to hear from you. Send your e-mails to

Stay Blessed,


News You Can Use

Please pray for Pastor Jonathan Whitfield and First Lady Theresa Whitfield of Trinity Baptist Church of Hackensack New Jersey . First Lady Whitfield was attacked, in the church bathroom, during 11:00 am service by a female parishioner. She received 2,000 stitches but is in stable condition.

This article, attached below, drives home the need for adjutants and security to cover our spiritual leaders.

Read the entire story here.

A Breath of Fresh Air Promo

Do you need a break? How about A Breath of Fresh Air?

On October 12, 2007 Breathe Again Magazine presents A Breath of Fresh Air IV -- Back to School Get Away for Mom

Stay Tuned for more information

Friendz Network News

You're invited to attend a Ladies Spa Night Out, hosted by Issues Concerning Women, Inc.

When: Friday, August 24, 2007
Time: 6:30 pm
Where: Crown Plaza Hotel
4453 Bonney Rd
Virgina Beach VA 23462

RSVP to (757) 567-6734 or (757) 287-3915

For more information, go to Issues Concerning Women, Inc.

And the Winner is...

Tara Patterson is our Friendz Network member of the month and the spotlight is on her in our "You Go Girl "section. I am honored to feature Tara.

Read all about her here.

Your First Ministry

So now I'm asking, 11 years later, how could something so sweet, turn so sour? There were multiple things, however, in a nutshell, when everything is going good, it is not hard to love someone, but what about when he loses his job, you're paying the bills, he's staying out late at night...

Read her article here.

Follow Me! Say What, Jesus!

Stephanie shares how the most difficult task is to teach others to follow him as it requires sacrifice and a lot of change.

Read her article here.

What in the World

If you come across things that make you say. What in the World send them to and we will feature it in a upcoming newsletter along with your name.

Submitted by Jane Doe, Norfolk , VA )

Stay Blessed

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine

phone: 757-404-1582

Thursday, August 09, 2007

August 8 Newsletter

Dear Friend,

Are you being choked by Ivy?

A few weeks ago we had a landscaper come to our house and give us some estimates on doing some yard work. Well he ended up giving me the topic of this newsletter (as well as a very reasonable estimate)

We got to the side of my house and we have some ivy growing on our bricks. I always thought it added something to the house, my husband thinks it's an eyesore. The gentleman proceeded to tell me that the ivy was sucking the moisture out of the bricks with it's tentacles (he even showed me the tentacles).

Ok, moisture....bricks... sucking lthe ife out of it? I still wasn't convinced. We have a window by the ivy and the gentlemen even said if I was to open the window the ivy would start making it's way in the house. At this point I just stood there (even thought about experimenting and opening the window just to see if it would start growing in the window). But why? When we are warned about something why do we ignore the signs?

What a revelation, I thought. He even showed me the roots and if I planted anything in the ground the ivy would wrap it's roots around the flower and choke and kill it.

Do you have anything sucking the life out of you? What about people? Do you have anyone around you that is draining you?

If so, make the decision to let it and them go! I have learned the best thing I can do is pray for people. Near and far.

Stay Blessed


PS. The landscaper is coming back to remove the ivy from my bricks. I am letting go.

News You Can Use

E-Card Spam Scam

It's sad but the spammers are sending e- cards now. Have you noticed an influx of e- mails stating you received an e-card from a worshipper? How about an e-card from a friend? Whatever you do... DO NOT OPEN.

read the entire posting here.

A Breath of Fresh Air Promo

Do you need a break? How about A Breath of Fresh Air?

On October 12, 2007 Breathe Again Magazine presents A Breath of Fresh Air IV -- Back to School Get Away for Mom

Stay Tuned for more information

Christian women leaders

Are you feeling burned out and rejected? Are you questioning your leadership gift? There is a biblical resource that provides you with inspiration, motivation and balanced information created just for you. Want to learn more? Click here!

Upcoming Stories

Be Featured in Breathe Again Magazine

Do you have a powerful testimony that you feel will encourage & empower our readers? If so fill out our testimony submission form located on our blog.

Ask The Career Engineer

Q: I am having information overload! I have read so many books on interviewing, watched videos and have been given advice from everyone on the planet. I continue to get interviews, however, I walk out of the office totally defeated and I know my interview skills are "poor." I get so nervous and uncomfortable, what can I do?

Shawna, K., Norfolk, VA.........

Click here to see the response

Stay Blessed

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine

Thursday, August 02, 2007

August 1 Newsletter

Week # 31

Hey you !!

Are you having a life changing, goal oriented summer? I know I am. Everday I learn something new. (be it good or bad, it's still new.. LOL)
Did you know that it's week # 31 in the year 2007. That's more than half of the year gone, never to see again. That's amazing to me (it doesn't take much to amaze me. LOL)

But seriously, think about it for a moment. This day, this hour, this very minute and second will never return again. That's why it's so important to make the most of your days. Are you wasting your time complaining, being bitter, being mad at someone? ( who probably doesn't even know your mad at them)

Life is too short. Make the most of it.

Live your life like it's GOLDEN....

You only get one !

Stay Blessed


News You Can Use

E-Card Spam Scam

It's sad but the spammers are sending e- cards now. Have you noticed an influx of e- mails stating you received an e-card from a worshipper? How about an e-card from a friend? Whatever you do... DO NOT OPEN.

Read the entire posting here.

A Breath of Fresh Air Promo

Do you need a break? How about A Breath of Fresh Air?

On October 12, 2007 Breathe Again Magazine presents A Breath of Fresh Air IV -- Back to School Get Away for Mom

Stay Tuned for more information

Upcoming Stories

Be Featured in Breathe Again Magazine

Do you have a powerful testimony that you feel will encourage & empower our readers? If so fill out our testimony submission form located on our blog.

Stay Blessed

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine

July 11 Newsletter

Dear Friend,

As parents we sometimes overprotect our children. I'll be first to say GUILTY!

We want the best for them. Keeping them out of harms way is our daily goal. Being the mother of a 17 year old has taught me an awful lot about myself and my skills as a parent. We, as parents can protect so much we hurt them.

Contributing writer Kim Gibson wrote a beautiful poem about being a mother. ( we shared the poem with you for Mother's Day ) There was one line in the poem that brought tears to my eyes. It read " Wise Enough To Let You Fall and Wait For You to Stand Tall"

That is an area I struggled with. (can I be honest?) To know your child is going to make the wrong turn and watch him fail and not be there to rescue him was heartbreaking to me. The Lord truly had to deal with me in this area. It was if I could hear the Lord say, "If you can fix it what am I here for?"


Then one day my husband said to me rather bluntly, "Why were you able to hand me and our marriage over to the Lord but not trust him when it comes to the kids?" Ouch again.....

"That's diferent" I shot back

Boy was I wrong. That was such a hard pill for me to swallow. But why? Why do we pick and choose what battles to give the Lord? Doesn't it say in the word " To cast all your cares upon him?"

My lesson: Nicole is learning to step aside (he is still working on me). Pray for me, as I pray for you (my subscribers) daily.

Stay Blessed,


Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Pastors Clifton & Vicki Coward (Vicki's Voice)
On July 4 they celebrated 20 years of marriage.

Save the Date!

Calling all choirs,soloists, quartets,praise dancers and spoken word artists.

Hunter's Productions & God's Anointed Touch Ministries Presents

Co-Sponsored by REJOICE 100.9 FM

Friday, July 27 - Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Murray Center
455 E. Brambleton Avenue
Norfolk, VA 23510

For more information click here

Help Wanted

Account Manager Needed

Breathe Again Magazine is expanding. The Lord is enlarging our territories. We are so excited and stand in the spirit of expectation each day.

Would you like to earn some extra money? Do you have previous sales experience? Are you outgoing and a self starter? But most important, do you believe in the mission of Breathe Again Magazine? If you answered yes to all of the above questions and would like more information on joining our team contact

Upcoming Stories

Be Featured in Breathe Again Magazine

Do you have a powerful testimony that you feel will encourage & empower our readers? If so fill out our testimony submission form located on our blog.

Married to a Sinner...

Do you attend church but your spouse does not? Are you saved but your spouse is not? Does your spouse refuse to go to church? If so we would like to interview you for an upcoming story entitled-- I'm Saved but my Spouse is not. WE want to hear how you have kept it together all these years. Are you struggling in that area? Are you in that situation now? WE want to hear from you as well.

Visit our submission form on our blog and let us know.

Real Estate Expert Robin Ferebee

VHDA First Time Home Ownership Classes

Next Class -- Saturday July 14, 2007
8:45 am -3pm

Learn how to apply for Grant Money. Learn about VHDA's NO MONEY DOWN programs and so much more. Knowledge is key. "Our people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" Don't let this be you. Find out what is available to you, then do something!!

For more information contact 757-287- 3915 or e-mail

Stay Blessed

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine

Hunter's Productions presents...

Dear Friend,

Has the Lord blessed you with the gift of song? What about dance?

Have you dreamed of singing or dancing before thousands?

You know the bible states that "your gift will make room for you"

Well here is your chance.

Calling all choirs, soloists, quartets, praise dancers and spoken word artists.

Hunter's Productions & God's Anointed Touch Ministries Presents

Co-Sponsored by REJOICE 100.9 FM

That's not it !!

Saturday morning July 28, 2007 there will be a FREE workshop.

Workshop speakers and topics include:

Cindy Gainey- Manager of First Lite Records " Packaging the Product"
Bryant Scott- President of Tyscott Records "How to Get Signed to a Record Label"
Cheryl Wilkerson-Clear Channel Radio " Advertising the Right Way"

That's not it !!
FREE Concert at 5pm featuring Bruce Parham & Deborah Barnes
Let's support each other and Hunter Productions.

See ya there.

Stay Blessed

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine

Just 4 days to anniversary celebration

Heart to Heart
"It's not been easy but it sure has been worth it, says Founder Nicole Cleveland, " I hear from women all across the country that say the articles have blessed them and provided that glimpse of hope that they have been searching for."

Dear Friend,

Just 4 days left. Have you registered? If not, what are you waiting for? We want to see your face in the place.

We are so excited to share this celebration with you. It represents so much more than a one year anniversary. More than a get together. June 29, 2007 is confirmation to what God can do in the lives of his people.

When we start a process God meets us there. It's similar to when someone is praying for a job. You pray and pray but nothing happens.

Why Nicole?

Because you have not started the process. You need to actually go out and apply for a job. (no joke) God is not going to fill out the application for you.

When you do, you have started the process. Breathe Again Magazine was a process started. We gave God something to stir up.

Give him something to stir up in your life. What is your dream? Is it a book, a business, a ministry?

Take the first step. Start the process.

See ya on Friday !

If you have not already registered and plan on paying at the door please fill out the form found on our blog at and let us know you are coming.

If you would like to pay before the event, please register below.

Registration fee.

Friendz Network price - $5

Regular registration fee - $10

Meet the winners

Outstanding First Lady Award

Pastor Vicki Coward
Founder of Diamonds in the Rough Ministries
Co-Pastor of Agape International Ministries WorldWide

Intercessory Prayer Award

Missionary Caroline Hasberry
New Bethel COGIC

Home & Church Award

First Lady Angela Preston
Brotherly Love COGIC

Stay Blessed,


PS. I know we have many readers outside the Virginia area that can not attend but would like to. Don't worry, one day very soon we will be able to celebrate in every state. An anniversary celebration tour. I can't wait. That's not too hard for the Lord.

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine



Wednesday, August 01, 2007

June 22 Newsletter

Dear Friend,

Can you believe it's June 2007? School is out, temperature is rising.

What are you going to do different this summer?

Last month I was blessed to be featured in Extreme Women's Magazine.

Can you believe I was chosen as one of the top 10 cybermoms on the web in business.

Who me? (LOL) People around me get so mad at me because I never tell them where I am featured, who's interviewing me, who picked up my story etc.... Why is that? I get so embarrased when people see me on TV. (oh yeah, I host a weekly talk show on our local TBN station)

Favor is not Fair

But you know what? The Lord has given me favor and I should not be ashamed of it. I wouldn't dare want to be caught without it. Inside I feel like I am bragging if I tell people all that the Lord has overshadowed me with,has charged me with.

Last month I was also featured in Pam Perry's Motivational Monday segment entitled "Dreaming Big. Perry is chief visionary of Ministry Marketing Solutions, the public relations & marketing consulting firm launched in 2000. Some author clients include Andria Hall, Bishop Thomas Weeks, T.D. Jakes, Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, Fred Price, Kim Brooks, Marilyn Griffith, Stacy Hawkins Adams, and Bill Winston.

Then GMA Publishing contacted me way back in February and asked if they could publish my testimony in a book entitiled Refind By Fire.

So this summer I am going to TELL IT.....Tell all the many doors that the Lord is opening up. You know this should all be expected as the word tells us that He will pour out blessings that we won't have room for. One of my very favorite scriptures is Isiah 61:7 : The word says "For your shame you shall have double"

So it is expected. It's not just for me. It is for you too. Who am I? I am no better than the next one. And if he did it for me he can and WILL do the same for you. That is why when I hear of others being blessed I rejoice with them. Because I know how this thing works. If he did it for you (Tara) then I know mine is coming......Let's celebrate each other.

What will you do different this summer ?

Stay Blessed,


Attn: Parents, Grandparents & others

Ingestion of hand sanitizer by children can result in alcohol poisoning

Message from mother of 2 yr old child

"As the minutes passed she continued to get worse and got to the point where she couldn't even stand or walk, it was awful"

Read entire story here.

Book Release

In this book, Refined by Fire: Defining Moments of Phenomenal Women, women share some of the most critical moments of their lives. These are moments that tested every fiber of their being. These moments are those that easily break some, but these women reveal their secret treasury of tenacity, faith, and resilience in the midst of a crisis. Click here to purchase your copy.

Hunter's Productions & God's Anointed Touch Ministries Presents...

Has the Lord Blessed you with the gift of song, dance? Is your church choir annoited?

Join Hunter's Productions and God's Anointed Touch Ministries

2nd Annual Virginia Gospel Showcase Plus Free Concert
Co-Sponsored by Rejoice 100.9 FM

WHEN: Friday, July 27 and Saturday, July 28
WHERE: The Murray Center
455 E. Brambelton Ave
Norfolk VA 23510

Click here for details.

Quick & Easy Ministry Marketing Solutions

"Quick & Easy Ministry Marketing Solutions: 115 PR Tips to Brand Your Ministry" by Pam Perry"

May I say that Pam Perry has been blessed to take your ministry to another level as far as marketing your message. I have the book and the tips work if you put them in place. She teaches ministries how to market like the big boys on national levels. - Nicole Cleveland, Chief Editor/Founder Breathe Again Magazine

Purchase her book today.

Real Estate Expert Robin Ferebee

Have you ever heard of a reverse mortgage? Do you have parents or grandparents on a fixed income?

A Reverse mortgage is a type of home equity loan that allows you to convert some of the equity in your home into cash while you retain home ownership. Reverse mortgages work much like traditional mortgages, only in reverse. Rather than making a payment to your lender each month, the lender pays you.

Unlike conventional home equity loans, most reverse mortgages do not require any repayment of principal, interest, or servicing fees for as lon as you live in your home. If you are age 62 or older and are "house-rich, cash-poor," a reverse mortgage may be an option to help increase your income.

For more information on Reverse Mortgages, contact Robin Ferebee at or 757- 287-3915.

Blog! Blog!! Blog!!!

Check out the Breathe Again Magazine's blog. We have added the invitation to our celebration and the links to get your tickets. We have also added an article called "Are you Dead or Alive" written by Nicole Cleveland.

Stay Blessed

Nicole Cleveland
Breathe Again Magazine